Data Analytics Bootcamp

I Have Finished a Data Analytics Bootcamp! 🎉

Personal news! I'm very happy and proud to have finished a Data Analytics BootCamp with Python.

Twelve weeks dedicated to working full-time, plus 12 hours of classes per week (including Saturdays) and extra hours of exercises. Twelve very intense but very productive weeks.

Why Python? As a Data Visualization Designer, I "don't need" to know Python. No, technically I don't need it; in 8 years of experience, no company has required me to know Python or R. This year, I decided to learn it simply because I had been thinking about it for a long time, and now seemed like a good time.

Am I a Python expert after the BootCamp? Definitely not, but it's a start and I'll be able to automate many processes in my projects. Above all, now I understand better the work of some colleagues. I've acquired some technical knowledge that will 100% help the communication between analysts, data scientists, developers, and designers.

Thank you very much to the AllWomen team for their patience and dedication! Let's keep rocking! 🎉

Additionally, five of us did a review of the course. Check out the latest post featuring the perspectives and experiences of the participants who completed the Data Analytics & Data Science bootcamp at AllWomen. If you're curious about the transformative power of data science and analytics, this is a must-read!

A special shoutout to Zoe Maggs for spearheading this initiative and including us in this project. Collaboration with Gloria Spagnoli, María Aloy Mayo, PhD, & Denise Demeter.

Read the review on Medium